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The most important normative acts in the field of conformity assessment
  • Government Ordinance no. 23/2009 on the accreditation activity of conformity assessment bodies, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Ordinance no. 20/2010 on the establishment of measures for the uniform application of European Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for the marketing of products, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Law no. 163/2015 on national standardization
  • Government Ordinance no. 20/1992 on metrology activity, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 617/2003 for establishing the conditions for placing on the market and putting into operation the weighing machines with non-automatic operation - republishing, with the subsequent modifications and completions valid until 19.04.2016
  • Government Decision no. 1373/2008 on the regulation of the supply and road transport of divisible goods on public roads in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 710/2015 on establishing the conditions for making available on the market weighing machines with non-automatic operation, valid from 20.04.2016
  • Government Ordinance no. 20/2010 on the establishment of measures for the uniform application of European Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for the marketing of products, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 306/2011 on some market surveillance measures for products regulated by European Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for their marketing
  • Order 148/2012 approving the Official List of Measuring Instruments Subject to Legal Metrological Control L.O. - 2012, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 712/2009 for the approval of the Regulation on fees and charges for the authorization and control of nuclear activities and for the amendment of some normative acts regarding fees and charges levied for some services, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Directive 2009/23 / EC on non-automatic weighing machines, valid until 19.04.2016
  • Directive 2014/31 / EU on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of fully automatic non-automatic weighing machines from 20.04.2016
  • Government Ordinance no. 20/1992 on metrology activity, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Ordinance no. 20/2010 on the establishment of measures for the uniform application of European Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for the marketing of products, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 306/2011 on some market surveillance measures for products regulated by European Union legislation harmonizing the conditions for their marketing
  • Order 148/2012 approving the Official List of Measuring Instruments Subject to Legal Metrological Control L.O. - 2012, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 712/2009 for the approval of the Regulation on fees and charges for the authorization and control of nuclear activities and for the amendment of some normative acts regarding fees and charges levied for some services, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Government Decision no. 264/2006 on establishing the conditions for placing on the market and putting into operation of measuring instruments, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • H.G. no. 1055/2001 on the conditions for the placing on the market of measuring instruments, with subsequent amendments and completions
  • Directive 2004/22 / EC on measuring instruments, valid until 19.04.2016
  • Directive 2014/32 / EU on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of measuring instruments (recast), entered into force in full from 20.04.2016
V. Guides
  • OIML R 76-1 Non-automatic weighing instruments. Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements - Tests
  • OIML 76-2 Non-automatic weighing instruments. Part 2: Test report format
  • OIML R106-1 Scale - railway bridge Metrological and technical requirements - Tests
  • OIML R106-2 Scale - Railway Bridge Test Report Format
  • OIML R107-1 Discontinuous Totalizers Part 1: Metrological and Technical Requirements - Test Tests
  • OIML R107-2 Discontinuous Totalizers Part 2: Test Report Format
  • OIML R61-1 Automatically operated gravimetric dispensers Metrological and technical requirements - Tests
  • OIML R61-2 Automatically operated gravimetric dispensers Test Report Format
  • OIML R51-1 Automatically operated sorting-labeling weighing machines part 1: Metrological and technical requirements - Tests
  • OIML R51-2 Automatically Sorted Sorting-Labeling Weighers Part 2: Test Report Format
  • EC Regulation 765/2008 laying down requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) no. 339/93
  • Decision 768/2008 / EC on a common framework for the marketing of products and repealing Council Decision 93/465 / EEC
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